Endpoint security, also known as endpoint protection, is the process of protecting devices like workstations, servers, and other devices that can accept a security client from malicious threats and cyber attacks. It’s a cybersecurity approach to defending endpoints.
Endpoint security software enables businesses to protect devices that employees use for work purposes or servers that are either on a network or in the cloud from cyber threats. Every device that connects to the corporate network is a vulnerability, providing a potential entry point for cyber criminals. Therefore, every device an employee uses to connect to any business system or resource carries the risk of becoming the chosen route for hacking into an organization.
Endpoint security technology plays a vital role in protecting organizations from the increasingly dangerous threat landscape. Some of the key benefits of an endpoint security approach include:
Protecting all endpoints: As employees now connect via not only a growing number of endpoints but also different types of devices, it is vital for organizations to ensure they do so securely. Securing remote working: The rise in device usage is linked to new ways of getting work done, such as bring your own device (BYOD) and remote working policies.