Cyber Assessment

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Free Cyber Security Consultation, please complete the below questionnaire :

    Q1: Do you collect customer’s Personally Identifiable Information ( PII ) ?
    ( i.e. names, email ID, contact number, address, payment details, date of birth, driving license
    number, passport number etc.):

    Q2.: Can your Antivirus/ Internet Protection solution protect your organization from Ransomware

    Q3: Do you have any Email Security System in place ? Which do not allow malicious email to hit your
    inbox ? What is Email Security ?: Email security is the practice of preventing email-based cyber attacks, protecting email accounts from takeover, and securing the contents of emails.

    Q4: Do you have security installed on your work mobiles ?:

    Q5: Do you have any Zero Day attack prevention in place ? What is Zero Day Attack ?: Zero Day Attacks. If a hacker manages to exploit the vulnerability before software developers can find a fix, that exploit becomes known as a zero day attack.

    Q6: Do you provide Cyber Awareness Training to your staff time to time to keep them upto date with
    new threats evolving in market ?:

    Q7: Do you test your staff’s capability to deal with malicious emails ?:

    Q8: Do you have DLP ( Data Loss Prevention ) Policy in place ?:

    Q9: Do you have any Disaster Recovery Planning in place ?:

    Q10: Is your website/web application secure from hackers ? Did you test it in last 6 months?:

    Q11: Is your data encrypted at rest and in transit ?:

    Q12: Is you domain and email safe from impersonation and spoofing attacks ? What is impersonation and spoofing ?:




    Company Name:
